Battle Screen
To WAR!!!!
How To Issue Orders
- To issue orders to an individual unit, move you cursor over the unit until it changes to a solid color. Now, click and hold to access the commands menu
- To issue an order to all units, click anywhere in the sky to access the command menu and issue these orders to all units
- The following orders may be given to your troops
- Defend: causes the unit to hold it's ground until an enemy is close enough to attack
- This is the default order at the beginning of all battles
- Note that since there are no units who are out of range for Archers and Crossbowmen, they will automatically attack while in defend mode.
- Plan A or Plan B: causes the unit to follow the defined plan given to it relative to it's current position. If the unit comes within range of an enemy, the unit will stop following the plan and attack (Note that plans are therefore useless to missile troops)
- Attack Primary: causes the unit to charge its primary target. Again, if another unit is in range for attack, they will dispatch this unit first (Missile units will attack their primary targets, however, no matter who is close)
- Attack Nearest: causes the unit to charge the nearest foe.
Battle Time
- Speeding up time works the same as in the map screen
- To pause the game, click on the circle button with the hourglass. Please note that you can issue orders while the game is paused. This is especially handy when you need to issue orders to many individual units.